Chiropractic is the nation’s third largest primary health care profession, surpassed in numbers only by practitioners of medicine and dentistry. Over half of its ranks have graduated since 1977, and there are approximately 50,000 chiropractors in North America alone with many more throughout the world. Recent studies indicate that upwards of 15% of the U.S. population has consulted a chiropractor.

Researchers tell us that over 80% of the general population will suffer from one of the great variety of vertebrogenic disorders for certain periods of their life. Vertebrogenic disorders mean disorders of the body that are caused in whole or in part by spinal faults.
In addition to pain and discomfort in the neck and back, these disorders include tension headaches, migraine headaches, dizziness, neuralgia, pain in the shoulders and arms, certain types of pain in the chest and abdomen, pain in the hips, knees and legs, disc disorders, certain digestive disorders and problems with menstrual cycles. The connection between these seemingly unrelated conditions and the spine is that the nerves, which serve all areas of the body, can be irritated directly or indirectly by spinal disorders.
Even people suffering from arthritis find great relief with chiropractic care, although complete cures from arthritis are not possible.
Frequently spinal problems start in childhood, years before clinical symptoms appear. Identified early, most of these disorders are reversible, and it is for this reason that spinal examinations for children imperative.
Chiropractic training is extensive. Each student begins with at least two years of undergraduate college, followed by four to five years of specialized Chiropractic training. Naturally Chiropractic students take all the basic science courses- anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and microbiology. They also take intensive courses in diagnosis, radiology, orthopedics, neurology, nutrition and public health. Each student then participates in clinical internship followed by a licensing exam.
Your doctor of chiropractic is trained to restore the health of your spine through special, gentle chiropractic methods, called adjustments. Adjustments help relieve the irritations that cause pain, normalize and heal function of many body systems. Anyone can receive chiropractic adjustments regularly, from babies to the elderly; even pregnant woman are benefiting from regular chiropractic adjustments and experiencing a healthy and natural pregnancy free of back pain
If areas of abnormal spinal function are identified, your doctor will recommend a chiropractic care program for spinal adjustments. Your plan of care is based upon your age, condition, lifestyle, and unique spinal problems.
The primary course of care will be specified chiropractic adjustments. This will help return individual spinal bones to their proper motion and position. There are hundreds of ways of using carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore better position and motion to “stuck” or fixated joints. This may require a quick thrust, or in other instances a slow, constant pressure. Sometimes, only one area of the spine is adjusted, and the other times the entire spine will receive attention.
Some adjusting approaches can result in a faint “popping” sound. This sound is created by the shifting of gas and fluids in the joint. The presence or “loudness” of this sound has little meaning and varies with each patient.
Chiropractic adjustments are safer than aspirin, muscle relaxers, and back surgery. Dozens of research studies have documented the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments. When compared with traditional approaches, chiropractic care is remarkably safe. In fact, millions of chiropractic adjustments are safely delivered to satisfied patients every day!
To write out all the possible benefits of chiropractic would literally fill a book. Most people think of chiropractors as back doctors who treat mostly back pain. Although we do treat a great deal of back pain, that is just a very small part of what we do.
Chiropractor may vary in their approach, techniques and philosophy, however our main priority is to reduce the amount of pressure on the nervous system. Thus allowing the nervous system and the body as a whole to operate at its maximum ability.
For the patients that come to our clinic with pain or specific condition, the benefit they see is how effective chiropractic care is in the relief of their symptoms. Many patients come to a Chiropractic Clinic only after they have tried numerous other forms of healthcare. Which may include painkillers, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. Although these things may have their place they should only be used as a last resort after Chiropractic care has been given a chance.
True Chiropractic care begins once the patients is without any symptoms. Then we can start on HEALTH CARE, not just symptom relief care. True HEALTH CARE takes into consideration your nervous system working at 100% or as close as we can get it. It is the proper use of diet, exercise, supplementation and rest. Leave any part of these out and you will have less than ideal health.
The benefit most of our patients see is that with regular Chiropractic care they get sick much less, both for themselves and their family. That is why we like to treat the whole family, to get them well and keep the well. With regular care they don’t need to see their regular MD as much because they are healthier overall. Most enjoy a pain free life with more energy and an improved immune system.
Your body and especially your spine are subject to numerous traumas throughout the day. The way you sit, stand, sleep or exercise all affect your spine. Then small things like lifting wrong, working too much, and stress all have impacts on your spine know as micro-traumas. We are also subject to macro-traumas such as car accidents, sports injuries or bad falls. All of these may result in misalignment in your spine, which put pressure on your nervous system.
The benefit of regular care is that we constantly realign in your spine, which put pressure on your nervous system. This allows your body to function at its maximum capacity. Why would you want anything less? Once you understand how important this is, regular care makes perfect sense.
To write out all the possible benefits of chiropractic would literally fill a book. Most people think of chiropractors as back doctors who treat mostly back pain. Although we do treat a great deal of back pain, that is just a very small part of what we do.
Chiropractor may vary in their approach, techniques and philosophy, however our main priority is to reduce the amount of pressure on the nervous system. Thus allowing the nervous system and the body as a whole to operate at its maximum ability.
For the patients that come to our clinic with pain or specific condition, the benefit they see is how affective chiropractic care is in the relief of their symptoms. Many patients come to a Chiropractic Clinic only after they have tried numerous other forms of healthcare. Which may include painkillers, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. Although these things may have their place they should only be used as a last resort after Chiropractic care has been given a chance.
True Chiropractic care begins once the patients is without any symptoms. Then we can start on HEALTH CARE, not just symptom relief care. True HEALTH CARE takes into consideration your nervous system working at 100% or as close as we can get it. It is the proper use of diet, exercise, supplementation and rest. Leave any part of these out and you will have less than ideal health.
The benefit most of our patients see is that with regular Chiropractic care they get sick much less, both for themselves and their family. That is why we like to treat the whole family, to get them well and keep the well. With regular care they don’t need to see their regular MD as much because they are healthier overall. Most enjoy a pain free life with more energy and an improved immune system.
Your body and especially your spine are subject to numerous traumas throughout the day. The way you sit, stand, sleep or exercise all affect your spine. Then small things like lifting wrong, working too much, and stress all have impacts on your spine know as micro-traumas. We are also subject to macro-traumas such as car accidents, sports injuries or bad falls. All of these may result in misalignment in your spine, which put pressure on your nervous system.
The benefit of regular care is that we constantly realign in your spine, which put pressure on your nervous system. This allows your body to function at its maximum capacity. Why would you want anything less? Once you understand how important this is, regular care makes perfect sense.
Modern chiropractic began in the late 1800’s when Daniel David Palmer, a self-educated teacher and healer, performed the first spinal manipulation on a patient. Today, chiropractic is the largest area of medicine, next only to dentistry and is the largest Complementary and Alternative Medicine (or CAM) health profession.
The word chiropractic comes from Greek words meaning “treatment by hand”, which is exactly what chiropractors do- they use their hands to manipulate the body and promote healing and wellness.
The chiropractic philosophy is based on the following belief statements:
- All bodily functions are connected and the healing process involves the entire body
- A healthy nervous system, particularly the spine, is the key to a healthy body. The spinal cord carries information throughout the body and is responsible for all bodily functions including voluntary movements (such as walking) and involuntary functions (such as breathing). When the systems of the body are in balance, it is called homeostasis. Disorders of the bones, muscles, and nerves can disrupt homeostasis and increase the risk of disease and other health problems.
- When body systems are in harmony, the human has the remarkable ability to maintain and heal itself.
Chiropractic care is one of the fastest growing forms of health care in America today. Chiropractic differs from traditional medicine, in the fact that we do not use drugs or surgery in our treatment to help you get better and to feel better.
our patient s claim chiropractic adjustments relieve their headaches, sciatica, TMJ pain, allergies, back pain, neck pain, stiffness, and much more. Even though chiropractors have helped millions with these conditions, there are many more benefits to chiropractic adjustments.
Our patients are assured of receiving only the finest quality care, because our doctors have genuine concern for your well-being.
Please contact us if you want to schedule an appointment. We look forward to treating you to achieve optimum health.